We at FIL, have made policy to maintain high standard of health & safety inside the factory premises.

For effective implementation of this policy, every units shall-

  • Ensure the prevention of ill health and injury by implementing the bench mark practices mainly at material handling, Tape plant, MF, Weaving Webbing, Liner, Lamination and Stitching operations.
  • Ensure the compliance with all the legal and other requirements on OH&S relevant to FIL.
  • Ensure the employees, contractors, subcontractors and other agencies entering the factory premises are trained on health & safety instructions.
  • Ensure that all the interested parties entering the factory premises are made aware and follow the company’s rules and instructions pertaining to OH&S.
  • Integrate health & safety issues in managerial decisions, especially:
    • In the selection and procurement of machinery, equipment & material.
    • In the selection & placement of personnel.
  • Continual improve the OH&SMS performance by conducting continues trainings, drills and assessments;
  • Publish the FIL’s policy, rules and regulation towards OH&S in publically.


  • Of each employee to prevent ill health and injury at work and must look after of his co-employees.
  • Of all persons in the manufacturing unit are required to observe and follow the company safety rules & instructions, in addition to statutory rules & regulation.
  • To improve the performance of health & safety shall be integral part of managerial function.
  • The contractors, sub-contractors and other agencies to adhere the company’s safety rules and instruction while they are work with in a factory premises.
  • Each head of the department is responsible for identifying potential hazards & introducing appropriate safety measures as required.
  • Organizational setup to implement health & safety policy is given in the annexure.